This Week's Update - Challenges, Spawners, & more!
We are incredibly excited to introduce this long awaited update to the network!
Our team has been hard at work creating multiple new features we will be covering below!
First of all, as is custom with our updates are are running a 25% sale on our store!
I'd like to take a moment to thank you all for your support & patience over the past few weeks. We have a long list of content to cover today - let's get right into it!

Who's up for a challenge?
Challenges are something we have teased throughout the last few weeks. It's a feature that's been incredibly important to both myself and our team.
It provides us with a channel (other than voting that is) to reward you all for your hard work and time investment into the server with items that we hope you will really enjoy!
Challenges consist of three main categories (for now). You can find more info on these below.
Daily Challenges
Resetting every 24 hours, daily challenges reward consistency.
Your effort could be rewarded with some of the following:
- Cash
- Claim Blocks
- Wither Skeleton Skulls
- Vote Keys
Complete all 5 daily challenges and receive a special reward!
Weekly Challenges
Weekly challenges reset every 7 days, and have a significant increase in difficulty.
These are not for the faint of heart, however your heroism will not go unrewarded.
- Hat Keys
- Spawner Stone Keys
- Spawner Scoopers
- Rose Rank
- Basic Replenisher Hoe
Complete all 5 daily challenges and receive a special reward!
Premium Challenges
These are an exclusive tier of challenge, only available to Tulip rank and higher!
They are typically easy to complete - if you can figure out the riddle that is...
They can contain the following rewards
- Violet Skins Keys
- Sell Wands
- Spawner Scoopers
- Advanced Replenisher Hoe
Complete all 5 daily challenges and receive a special reward!

Spawner Scooper
Who needs silk touch anyways!
Spawner Scoopers can be used to relocate a spawner!
Simply right click on a spawner of your choice that is not within a claim, and have it magically appear in your inventory!
These items can be obtained from our new weekly challenges, or purchased directly from our store.

Spawner Stones
Everything but an Ender Dragon!
Along with giving you more control over the location of their spawners, we wanted to provide the opportunity to change what exactly you are spawning!
However, finding a way to do this without flooding the server with new spawners and causing mass lag was not an easy task.
Here enters our solution - Spawner Stones!
Spawner stones can be obtained from a crate at spawn, and can be used to change the mob a spawner spawns. There are currently 16 variants available, with the rarest being Wither Skeletons & Mooshrooms!
These crate keys can be obtained through weekly challenges or our store!

Violet Skins
The return of item skins!
We've had a lot of players ask about item skins since their appearance in the easter event.
Due to popular demand, we've reintroduced them in the form of a permanent crate!
Keys for this crate can be obtained both through premium challenges, and from our store.

Replenisher Hoes
Worth wasting your diamonds on!
Replenisher hoes are the epitome of convenience!
They will automatically replant fully grown crops upon breaking them.
These hoes come in three different tiers - basic, advanced, & legendary!
Each tier has more durability than the last, and an increased chance of drops.
These can be obtained via challenges, and from our store.