Server Rules
Tier One Rules ✿
Alternative accounts:
Having any alternative accounts alone is okay but you can’t be playing on one account and afking somewhere else with an alt account, this also includes alt benefiting/ benefiting your main. Utilizing an alternative account to evade a punishment is not permitted.
Purpose annoyances:
Annoying people is not allowed. This includes but is not limited to setting homes at other people's bases just to be annoying, following someone around, spam requesting to teleport, making fun of someone as a joke, trolling etc…
Microphone disruption:
Making unpleasant or loud noises into your microphone, or using voice changes for purpose annoyance is not allowed whatsoever.
English only, no foreign languages:
All conversations must be kept in English only, this rule is in place so our staff members can moderate to the best of their abilities keeping the server safe and friendly.
Try and keep all spamming to a minimum, if you don't know if you're spamming or not, it's when you write more than 7-8 identical or similar messages within 5 minutes or less. This may also apply to character spam or repeated use of capital letters.
Self promotion and advertisements:
Self promotion for your own Discord server, Minecraft server or any other form of promotion isn’t allowed within Violet’s platforms, take it to DMs if you want to share information with your friends.
Use the channels correctly:
The server has been designed to be accessible for all, so please use channels correctly. For example keep counting in the ・count channel etc.
Tier Two Rules ✿
Griefing or stealing:
Griefing and stealing are not tolerated on Violets. This includes stealing items & blocks of any description that are not yours as well as claiming land, placing blocks, changing or destroying other player’s builds in any way. This rule does not exclude unclaimed land/areas.
Controversial topics:
Any and all forms of controversial topics need to be kept away from Violets. If you don't know what a controversial conversation/ topic is, it's an intense subject of public argument, disagreement or disapproval.
Impersonating staff and players:
Making Discord accounts or Minecraft accounts to impersonate staff or players through a similar nickname or just claiming to be them or an alt of them is not permitted and will result in punishments. This also includes claiming to be an ex-staff member or developer when you’re not.
Direct swearing and indirect swearing:
Swearing directly at another player or in a violent manner as well as any mention of drugs or rude jokes is absolutely not allowed and will not be tolerated either however Indirect light swearing (not aimed at another player/user) is allowed.
Drama causing:
Starting up any kind of drama or conflict will not be tolerated. Bringing up any form of punishment or past drama on the server is not allowed. If you have an issue regarding any of the mentioned above, please reach out to a staff member.
Server disrespect:
Direct disrespect to the server will not be tolerated. This includes insulting without any constructive criticism, spreading false information, starting riots against server staff or the server, etc.
Staff and player disrespect:
All forms of disrespect will not be tolerated in our community. If you have a problem with a staff member or a player, report it via creating a ticket in ・support and we fix the situation for you.
Tier Three Rules ✿
NSFW/ inappropriate builds and content:
Violets is a SFW server, this means no inappropriate signs, builds, usernames, nicknames, skins, items, etc. will be allowed on the server whatsoever. This also includes mentioning drugs, alcohol, illegal activities and all forms of sexual conversations.
Playing while under the influence must be done with responsibility and not be shared with others.
Tp trapping/killing - Unconsented killing:
Tp trapping or non consented killing of another player is not allowed. This means but is not limited to tricking another player to teleport to you just to kill them or trapping another player in a death pit, death trap or portal trap in an attempt to kill them.
Invading someone else's property:
Stealing another player's hard work such as claiming their area or land, farms, builds or chest will not be tolerated. Please keep a reasonable distance within other’s area - minimum of approximately 50 blocks.
Do not scam players out of in-game money, items or trades that involve any form of trickery, scamming or manipulation.
Harassment and encouraging harm:
Harassment of any kind is not permitted on Violets, along with encouraging any form of harm on another player or themselves. Harm could include but is not limited to violence, illness, self-harm or suicide.
Malicious blackmail:
Maliciously blackmailing another user will not be tolerated here at Violets and if found guilty punishments will be given. This includes but is not limited to, forcing users to buy nitro, forcing users out of the server and in general any form of blackmail.
Unsafe links:
Sending or Linking harmful URLs to harm or obtain personal data from other users.
Tier Four Rules ✿
Doxxing and DDOS threats:
Do not threaten to release personal information such as locations or IP addresses, etc. This includes your own personal information. Do not threaten to DDOS the server or crash the server.
Violets is an inclusive environment. Everyone is welcome so that means that any kind of discrimination will not be tolerated. We do not allow any form of racism, sexism, homophobia or anything along those lines of any kind will not be tolerated.
Tier Five Rules ✿
Auto Clicking:
All forms of auto clicking are forbidden on the server. That includes using any form of auto clicker software, a drag mouse or just putting a book on top of your mouse.
Hacking / Cheating:
Using any form of hack client is not allowed on the server.
Use of blacklisted modifications:
Usage of disallowed modifications which do significantly impact others, the server, software's or hardware modifications. Read Disallowed/Allowed Modifications here
Tier Six Rules ✿
Exploiting glitches and bugs or withholding glitches and bugs:
Giving or selling glitches to other players and withholding those glitches is not permitted. This includes but is not limited to lag machines of any description, duping items or creation of glitches, Minecraft client or core server glitches
Farms and Grinders:
Any farm that causes performance impact to the network such as guardian farms can be deleted and removed at management discretion. In other words, no big farms.
Buycraft scamming:
Scamming users in trades that involve Buycraft purchases is a very serious matter and will definitely not be tolerated.
Age restrictions:
Due to Discord TOS, you must be 13+ to join and interact in our Discord server, if found out to be under the age of 13 you will be banned from the server. We personally recommend for all minors to keep their age private for safety reasons. Lastly age does not affect you being allowed to play on the SMP, but it is encouraged to players under 13 to disable their chat or to play with supervision of an older person.
Charging back after buying something from our store is a straight up permanent ban that is non-appealable.